Photo of Diego Arango Ruiz Colombia

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Manizales 1942. Art Studies, Philosophy and Anthropology. Workshop co-founder of group 4 Red, Bogotá. Professor recorded in the Graphic Arts Workshop 4 Red. Professor of Art History. Headed the Photo Gallery and Research Library Aesthetics Luis-Angel Arango Banco de la República. Co-founder of ECLAC (Latin American Centre for Popular Communication). Co-founder, along with Gabriel Garcia...

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Manizales 1942. Art Studies, Philosophy and Anthropology. Workshop co-founder of group 4 Red, Bogotá. Professor recorded in the Graphic Arts Workshop 4 Red. Professor of Art History. Headed the Photo Gallery and Research Library Aesthetics Luis-Angel Arango Banco de la República. Co-founder of ECLAC (Latin American Centre for Popular Communication). Co-founder, along with Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Jorge Villegas, Bernardo Garcia and Enrique Santos, of the journal Alternative.

Author and coauthor of numerous publications on art, anthropology, history and environment, documentaries and theatrical productions. He lives in Villa de Leyva, Boyacá. (1)

Exhibitions (Selection)

2009. Triennial Chile. Lord Cochrane Museum. Arts / Latin America: State of Siege. Valparaiso. The plot: a language yesterday and today, Gabriel García Márquez Cultural Center, Bogotá - Trademark. National Salon of Artists (first prize) Tradition and modernity in the Colombian Art, National Museum, Bogotá 2006-2007 - Exhibit 127 teachers, museum of Arts of the Universidad Nacional, Bogotá 2005-07 - Savia, Zarina Gallery, Villa de Leyva, 2006 - Festival of the Arts. Tunja, 2006 - Group Exhibition, Congress House Museum, Villa de Leyva, 2006 - Digital Art VII, La Habana, Cuba, 2005. - Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau, La Habana, Cuba - K. Center, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2005 - Artists of Villa de Leyva, 2005 - Zarina Gallery, Villa de Leyva, 2005 - "Art is the Library", ASAB, Bogotá, 2005 - Teachers Caldas. Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño, Bogota, 2004 - Zarina Gallery, Villa de Leyva, 2004 - "Last decades the Colombian Art, Art Museum of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. July, 2002 - Colombia, 70, ASAB, Bogotá, 2002 - Museum of Modern Art. National Awards, Bogotá, 2000 - Toronto Dunkelman, 2000 - "One Hundred Years of Art Caldas." Caldense Cultural Institute, 1999, Manizales - Museum of Modern Art, "Art and Violence in Colombia", 1999 - Exhibition Homage to Jorge Luis Borges, Verarte, Villa de Leyva, 1999 - Traveling Exhibition from the Collection of the Biblioteca Luis-Angel Arango, Bogotá - Multi-Media Festival, Munich. 1996 - Multi-Media Performance. International Festival Freiburg, Germany, 1996 - Multi-Media Performance. Kulturzentrum Schlachthof. Bremen, Germany, 1996 - Colombian Contemporary Prints, Biblioteca Luis-Angel Arango - Colombia recorders, Biblioteca Luis-Angel Arango, 1984 - Colombian Art años70 ', Centro Colombo Americano, Bogotá, 1982 - Colombian Plastic, La Habana, Cuba, 1981 - Gallery 22, Chicago - Central Bank of Colombia, Medellín, 1981 - Alecto, London, 1980 - Engraving Biennale Czechoslovakia Hummingbird Gallery, San Juan, Puerto Rico - National Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions, Madrid, Spain, 1979 - Art Museum Modern, Barranquilla, 1978 - Latin American Plastic Museum Nacional, La Habana, Cuba, 1978 - Plastic Latinoamericana, Latin American Gallery of Casa de las Americas, Havana, Cuba, 1977 - Hall of National Artists, 1976 - The New People's Museum. Museum of Modern Art, Bogota, 1976 - Travelling Exhibition Hall of National Artists, 1976 - Museum of Modern Art "Art and Politics", Bogotá, 1975 - Colombian recorders, National Library, Bogotá, 1973 - Second Meeting of Latin American Plastic, Cuba - Recorded Colombia, Museo de Arte Moderno, Bogotá, 1974 - XXV Venice Biennale, Italy, 1973. - Spoleto, Italy, 1973 - National Library. Bogotá 1973 - Latin American Graphics, The Providence College, San Francisco, 1973 - Latin American Graphis, Ripon College, EU1973 - 32 Colombian artists of today, Museo de Arte Moderno, Bogotá, 1973 - Solar City Gallery, Cali, 1973 - Arte Colombiano, Instituto Italo Latinoamericano, Rome, Italy 1973 to 3 today Colombian Artists, Museum of Modern Art, Spoleto, Italy, 1973 - Casa de las Americas, Havana, Cuba1973 - I and II American Biennial of Graphic Arts, Museo La Tertulia, Cali, 1971.73 - New Art Nacional, Manizales, 1973 - Exposure circulating the Pratt Graphic Center in New York since 1972 - Exhibition Latin American Meeting, Havana, Cuba, 1972 - Second Biennial of Latin American Engraving San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1972 - Camden Arts Centre, London, 1972 .- Pratt Graphics Center, New York, 1972. - I and II American Biennial of Graphic Arts, Museo La Tertulia, Cali, 1971.73 - Print Biennial of Czechoslovakia., 1971 - IX International Biennial of Ljbilian, 1971 - Engravers and Illustrators, Exp.itinerante, 1971 - Engravers and Illustrators Colombian School of Fine Arts, Colombia, 1971 - Engravers and Illustrators, Biblioteca Luis-Angel Arango, Bogotá, 1971 - Underground Graphics, London, 1971 - New Arts'Lab, London, 1971 - Hall of National Artists, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1972.1974, 1975, 1976 ... Team Hall of National Artists, traveling exhibition, 1969-70 - Casa de la Cultura, Bogotá. Numerous exhibitions in organizations popular in Colombia and South America.

Awards and Honors

First Prize, National Artists Salon XII, 1971. Prize Antonio Nariño, Colcultura (co-author) book "Colombia Pacifico". FE, 1993Primer Image Award "Tamoanchan" Sun's Touring Theatre National Theatre Festival, 1993. Bachu Award, Municipality of Villa de Leyva, 1999 -

His works in:

Biblioteca Luis-Angel Arango, Bogotá. Museo de Arte Moderno, Bogotá. Art Museum of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. Pratt Graphics Center, New York. Graphis Gallery, San Francisco. Latin American Gallery, Casa de la Cultura, La Habana, Cuba. Bolivarian Museum, Cartagena. National Museum, Havana, Cuba. Embassy of Colombia in London and many libraries private.

Photography Jobs:

Among others: Revista Horizon, Cheshire Academy, Cheshire, Conn. USA - Magazine "Art International, London - Posters Casa de la Cultura and Teatro de la Candelaria, Bogotá - Catalogues and publications of the Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, Banco de la República - Posters and publications CERLAC - Alternative Magazine - Newspaper Indigenous Unit - Newspaper and Magazine Sunday's El Espectador, Bogotá - Colombia's long history. - "Colombia Pacifico", Fondo FEN - General History of Cartagena "E. Lemaitre, Edic. Banco de la Republica, 4 vol. 1983 - "Nomenclator Cartagenero" Banco de la República, 1081 - "the Liberator Hostels in Colombia." Banco de la República, Bogotá, 1980. - "Gregorio Vasquez de Arce y Ceballos", Edit. Sixteenth century, Bogotá, 1985 - "Flat or destruction of an indigenous nation," Black Sheep Editorial, Bogotá, 1971. - Museum of Fine Arts and Aesthetic Values ", Biblioteca Luis-Angel Arango BanRepública.Bogotá, 1979 -" Villa de Leyva: Footprint of the Centuries ", Bogotá, 1986. and other

References Some of his plastic work:

  • "Colombian Art History", Salvat Editores, 1977.
  • Marta Lockwood. "Two Decades Chat vulnerable in Latin American Art 1950/1970 "

Editorial Siglo XXI. Mexico, 1973

  • Ortega Ricaurte, Carmen, "Dictionary of Colombian Artists", 2nd revised and enlarged edition. Bogotá, Plaza & Janes Editores, Colombia, 1979.
  • "The XXII National Hall. The three winners are saying, "El Tiempo, Bogotá, 1971, Nov. 8, p.13C
  • Valencia Diago, Gloria, 1971, "Two artists who believe in a committed art", El Tiempo, Bogotá, nov.7, p.7B
  • "7 recorders," catalog of Colombian representative to the XXXVI Venice Biennale, Bogotá.1972
  • A center for engraving: "4 Red", El Tiempo, Bogotá, 1973, February 2, p. 13A.
  • "Dictionary of Colombian artists" COR Plaza & Janes. Barcelona, 1979.
  • Maria Elvira Iriarte, "Screen Printing History in Colombia," Colombia,
  • Barney Eugenio Cabrera: "Geography of Colombian Art"
  • Biennale de Venezia, Venice, Italy 1973
  • Mario Rivero, Diego Arango Venice Biennale .. Catalog. 1973.
  • Magazine "Arte en Colombia", No. 25, No. 33 ....
  • Art and Politics, Museo de Arte Moderno, Bogotá
  • "Art and Violence", Museum of Modern Art, Editorial Norma, 1999.
  • "Latinoamericando Art, Pratt Institute, New York, 1985
  • Pini, Ivonne, "Graphic testimony in Colombia", in: Revista Arte en Colombia, No. 33. pp.31
  • "Traveling Exhibition", Central Bank 80/90 Republic
  • The Recorded in Colombia, Colección Biblioteca Luis-Angel Arango, Bogota
  • Rub Germain iano, art in the twentieth century. Manual of the History of Colombia. Colcultura, 1982
  • Rubiano C. Germain Modern Art in Colombia, from the beginning of the century to the most recent manifestations. In "Colombia today. Perspectives for the twenty-first century. " XXI Century Publishers, 1991.
  • Catalog of Collections 1998 and 2000. "Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango. CD.
  • Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango (Bogotá), Colombia, Arts Today, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Banco de la Republica, 1980, Catalogues of Exhibitions - 1980 - Top No.: 15 556 (Text by Mario Rivera on the work and Diego Arango and Nirma Zarate)
  • Drawing in Colombia, German Rubin C, Planeta, 1997 -
  • "Art and Violence in Colombia in the second half of the twentieth century." Alvaro Medina., Museum of Modern Art, 1999.
  • "Violence, abstract and figurative art," Henriquez Cecilia, Museo de Arte Moderno, Bogota, 1999.
  • · Library Lus-Angel Arango. "Arte en Colombia, sixties: modernity eroded", 2008
  • Colombian Contemporary Printmaking. | Catalogo Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango. material prepared by: Beatriz González
  • "One Hundred Years in the History of Art in Caldas." Caldas Instituto de Cultura, 1999.
  • Francisco Gil Tovar: "The Colombian art." Plaza & Janes
  • Nicolás Gómez Echeverri, Colombia and the Arts Pop
  • Guinard, Fernando, 2001, One Hundred Years of Plastic in Colombia, Bogotá, Legis
  • · Dioscorides Pérez, "Sketch for a des-memory node.
  • Martha Rodriguez. "Installation of a generation": UNPeriodico.N ° 36 Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá. July, 2002.
  • Clemencia Arango. "Environment creation: the paintings of Diego Arango Ruiz." Nomads Magazine. Central University. Bogotá. X 2006
  • Germain Rubiano Caballero, "Modern Art in Colombia: From the beginning of the century to the most recent manifestations." In: Biblioteca Digital Andina. Colombia Hoy. Artwork supplied already by the Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango
  • Germain Pubiano C: Colombia Link Com.
  • www.banrep.gorg / blavirtual / artplasautor / Arang di.html
  • www.banrep.gorg / blavirtual / artplasautor / Aranza html
  • Idem. Workshop 4 red
  • Colombia Hoy. Modern Art in Colombia: the beginning of the century to the most recent manifestations. Authors: Jorge Orlando Melo (coordinator). Article: Hermann Pubiano
  • Environment creation: the paintings of Diego Arango Ruiz. Clemencia Arango. Nomads N ° 25, October 2006, Universidad Central, Bogotá.
  • Trademark. National Salon of Artists: tradition and avant garde art colombiano.Ministerio of Culture, National Museum. Editorial Planeta, Bogotá, 2006.
  • 147 teachers Exhibition: between the revaluation and reassessment, David Lozano Moreno. UNperiodico N ° 100, December 2006. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
  • Art and Politics in Colombia. Political views from the engraving. Juliana Galindo Azcárate.Tesis in Political Science, University of Los Andes, Bogotá, 2006
  • Web page Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango. To view online: Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, No. Topographic O77d1 R927
  • Oscar Ceron. "The plot: a language yesterday and today. American graphic artists, June 2009

  • / en / diegoarango



  • "Flat or destruction of an indigenous nation," Black Sheep Editorial, Bogotá, 1971.
  • "Colombia in the ways of God", Bogotá, 1968
  • "Hostel del Libertador in Colombia." Banco de la República, Bogotá, 1980.
  • "Nomenclator Cartagenero." Banco de la República, Bogotá, 1981.
  • "Incunabula of the Biblioteca Luis-Angel Arango, Bogotá, 1982.
  • "Museum of Fine Arts and Values Aesthetic, Biblioteca Luis-Angel Arango Banco de la República.Bogotá, 1979 (general coordinator)
  • "Gregorio Vasquez de Arce y Ceballos Roberto Pizano" Edit. Sixteenth century, Bogotá, 1985
  • General History of Cartagena de Eduardo Lemaitre, "4 Vols. Bogotá, 1983 ..
  • "Poetry and Corralitos de Piedra" Daniel Lemaitre, Bogotá, 1983
  • "Edgar Negret Naked" .1983.
  • "Villa de Leyva: Footprint of the Centuries", Bogotá, 1986.
  • "Colombia Pacifico", Fondo FEN, Editor: Paul Leyva. Bogotá, 1993. Anthony Award

Narino 1994.

  • 500 years later. In: "Colombia Pacifico", Fondo FEN, Editor: Paul Leyva.

Bogotá, 1993

  • Embera-Wauna in mythology: "Colombia Pacifico", Fondo FEN, Editor: Paul Leyva. Bogotá, 1993
  • "Roots", No. .1,2,3. Bogotá.1990-93 (Ethnography and Life Stories)
  • "The U'wa: Echoes of a disaster." Dine, School of Economics, UPTC, 1997
  • "Iguaque or Water Culture". AC Villa de Leyva. 1998.
  • "Water resources in Villa de Leyva." POT Villa de Leyva, 1999
  • "Archaeology in Villa de Leyva, P. OT 1999
  • "The Tree of Life." Dossier on the tree. Sunday Magazine, The Spectator
  • Contributed articles and photographs in various publications and national newspapers. (Sunday Magazine "El Espectador", Publications of the Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, etc))
  • "Biocultura: the U'wa.." In: Thinking P & A Action Rev.Internacional science and culture. N º .6-7/2000 UPTC.
  • Co-author of the research Remembrance and Imaginary of Villa de Leyva, Boyacá. "Villa de Leyva, 2000. (2 volumes)
  • Environmental history of Alto Ricaurte, Boyacá ", 2005

Documentation and Audiovisual:

  • "Father, where is God." Critical Productions 33, Bogotá, 1975
  • "Augustinian Culture", 1972.
  • "Terradentro" 1972.
  • "Modern Art Colombiano, 1974.
  • "Iguazu". Dane, 1976.
  • "Story of a Ecocide", 1982
  • The CERLAC, 1983
  • Culture Embera, 1991
  • Mounting Multimedia: "Tamoanchan" Traveling Theatre Sun 1997
  • "Touring Theatre of the Sun", 1997
  • "He always embraced," the Sun Touring Theatre, 1996
  • "Eart" Sol Traveling Theatre, 1996
  • "Curandero and popular piety", 1997.
  • "Imaginary Children, Villa de Leyva, 1998
  • "Sugamuxi: the home of the sun to the abode of smoke," UPTC.1998 Ecopetrol.
  • Visual memory of the "Social Studies and economic cost-benefit and environmental impact of technological alternatives for Brickmakers and lime kilns in the Valley of Sogamoso." UPTC-Ecopetrol 1998.
  • Memory Imclusión Environmental Dimension in rural schools. Alexander von Humboldt Institute, 1999.
  • Pintuagua, 2007

Participation in the following jobs Theater:

  • International Workshop Biodrama ", Villa de Leyva. 1993.
  • "Tamoanchan." Touring Theatre Sun
  • History of Villa de Leyva. "Touring Theatre del Sol, Villa de Leyva, 1999
  • Research for different mountings of the Sun Touring Theatre

Works on History of Mindsets:

Roots, Nos. 1,2,3,4 (Amazon, Putumayo, Orinoquia)

Flat or destruction of the indigenous nation. La Oveja Negra, Bogotá, 1971.

500 years later ... OREWA Memory (Embera-Wauunan Organization)..

Embera and Wauunan Mythology

Memory of a strike .. CES. 1985

Embera oral tradition. FEN, 1993

Memory retrieval in the Valley Saquencipá

Memory and Myth Embera-Wauanaan. In the play: "Colombia Pacifico." FEN, 1993.

Historical Memory and Imaginary of Villa de Leyva. Mayor of Villa de Leyva. Villa de Leyva, 1999

He has participated in numerous national and international seminars on Philosophy, Anthropology and the Environment, He has also conducted numerous lectures and presentations on culture and environment at universities and cultural centers.


"Tree Culture: Mythology and Poetics," Tree Festival, Villa de Leyva,

"The Iguaque Massif and the Advisory Council." 2 nd National Meeting of the National Parks, Minambiente, Girardot,

Environment and culture, "Corposantander. Inst Av H. 2004

"Ethics and water culture foundation for environmental sustainability". Meeting board "water." Sogamoso, 2006.

"The eternal recurrence. Land use, cultural and natural heritage in Villa de Leyva. "Inst Alexander von Humboldt, International Symposium: Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development organized by the Univ.Libre, Univ Brussels Colombia externship. August, 2006 -

"The water is a fundamental human right." Tribute to the water. Instituto Alexander von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, December 2006.

Water Referendum. Water a Human Right fundamental.

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